Owner Excursion: Kentucky Bourbon Trail • March 24–March 27, 2024
Hotel Genevieve, 730 E Market Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Owner Excursion Agenda
Sunday, March 24
By 4:00 PM : Arrive at the Hotel Genevieve
5:30–7:00 PM : Welcome Reception at Bar Genevieve
7:15 PM : Open Dinner
Monday, MARCH 25
7:30–8:30 AM : Breakfast at Hotel
8:30 AM–6:30 PM : South Bourbon Tour
Heaven Hill - Tasting Tour
Bardstown Bourbon Company - Rickhouse Barrel Thieving Tour
Lunch at Local Restaurant
Maker’s Mark - Tour & Tasting
7:00 PM : Unofficial Happy Hour
7:30 PM : Open Dinner
Tuesday, MARCH 26
7:30–9:00 AM : Breakfast at Hotel
9:00 AM–6:00 PM : East Bourbon Tour
Castle & Key - Walk the Ruins Tour
Lunch at Local Restaurant
Whiskey Thief - Barrel Tasting
Buffalo Trace - Tour & Tasting
7:00–10:00 PM : Closing Dinner at Angel’s Envy Distillery
Wednesday, MARCH 27
Anytime : Head home when you're ready, or stay a few extra days! We’ll be happy to arrange any extra days for you with our hotel contact.
Special Souvenir Gift!
Thank You to Our Wonderful Partners:
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